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Catalog Block

Now businesses can conduct commerce on WhatsApp via the Catalog feature.

Connecting a Catalog to a chat flow allows businesses to send single-product messages and multi-product messages to their customers on WhatsApp. Customers can view your product items, and send baskets that contain your products and services on WhatsApp.

Some of the use cases of Catalog feature are:

  1. View products: Customers can see a list of products or just one product.
  2. Add products to a cart: Whenever a user adds a product to the shopping cart, we fetch the item’s latest info.
  3. Send a shopping cart to the business: After adding all needed items, customers can send their cart to the business they’re messaging with.

With the Catalog feature, businesses can 

  1. Reduce abandoned carts
  1. Increase conversions
  2. Improve shopper engagement

WhatsApp allows businesses to send two types of interactive messages while chatting with customers. This otherwise can be referred to as catalogues.

  • Multi-Product Messages: Messages containing a selection of up to 30 items from a business inventory.
  • Single Product Messages: Messages with a single product item from the business inventory. The product is displayed in a Product Detail Page (PDP) format.

How to use Catalog block? 

  1. The Business would have to first set up the catalogue in their Commerce manager on their Facebook Business page.
  2. The Business would then have to give their BSP permission to manage the catalogue that they want to use on the Facebook business page
  3. Then the Client would have to ask the BSP to accept the request on their end. 
  4. Use a webhook block to compile a list of items to be sent as a catalogue to the customer
  5. In response to the webhook call, you will receive a list of items in data format to be consumed by the catalogue
  6. You can then pass this data to the “Catalog” block which will then display the same to the end-user on their phone.
  7. A maximum of 30 items can be added in the multiple product message and we would show all the 30 items in this message.
  8. This message/view will only be available for the Agent/admin/manager to see on the Live chat UI
Updated on December 14, 2022

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