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Knowlarity Integration WebSocket

Websocket URL:


base_domain is

  • verloop.io(GCP prod)
  • mena.verloop.io (MENA prod)

Example: wss://testing.verloop.io/v2/login/vaani/knowlarity/setup-call-streams

Below is the CURL to update the websocket URL:

curl –location –request POST ‘https://livestreamstaging1.knowlarity.com/knowlarity/update_wss_url’ \

–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \

–header ‘Authorization: {API Token}’ \

–header ‘x-api-key: {API Key}’ \

--data-raw '{
    "data": {
        "number": "{phone number}",
        "wss_url": "{websocket url}"

After Configuration the WebSocket URL, you’re all set. You can begin to continuously listen to the user’s audio on the socket.

Inbound: Audio streaming on WebSocket:

The first message that we receive over a WebSocket will be of this type

  "uuid": "aosi-adfad-23-ad", // unique identifier per call
  "sample_rate": 16000,
  "from": "<user_phone>",
  "to": "<bot_phone>",
  "campaign": "", // will hold some value only in case of outbounds
  "metadata": {
    "welcome_message": "Welcome to knowlarity",
    "event": "websocket:connected",
    "call_type": "inbound"

This message represents the socket is ready to receive the data for a particular incoming call.

Note: Audio is streamed in linear 16 format (16-bit PCM encoding)

Outbound: Audio Streaming on Web Socket:

First message that we receive over a websocket will be of this type

  "uuid": "aosi-adfad-23-ad", // unique identifier per call
  "sample_rate": 16000,
  "from": "<user_phone>",
  "to": "<bot_phone>",
  "campaign": "<knowlarity_campaign_id>",
  "metadata": {
    "welcome_message": "Welcome to knowlarity",
    "event": "websocket:connected",
    "call_type": "outbound"

Note: <knowlarity_campaign_id> is knowlarity’s campaign ID. Not to be confused with our campaign ID which is different. 

Data sent from us to Knowlarity

Audio data: Raw audio (bot audio) should be base64 encoded and sent as JSON.

  "type": "playAudio",
  "data": {
    "audioContentType": "wave",
    "audioContent": "<base64 encoded raw audio>"

Termination by Bot

CloseEvent sent is as below

  "type": "playAudio",
  "data": {
    "audioContentType": "wave",
    "audioContent": "None",
    "textContent": "asr_disconnect=true"

Call Transfer

Transfer Event

  "type": "playAudio",
  "data": {
    "audioContentType": "wave",
    "audioContent": "None",
    "textContent": "asr_disconnect=true,parameter1=default"

Sending the above event will transfer the call to a default agent which is not added and managed by us.

Updated on October 26, 2023

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