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How To Avoid WhatsApp Template Rejection

Before any template can be utilized, it must undergo WhatsApp’s approval process. Message templates are subject to daily scrutiny by a Meta (Facebook) team, and stringent guidelines are enforced to prevent potential misuse and spam.

If your message template(s) was rejected, it may have been due to one of the following reasons:

1. Missing or Mismatched Variable Parameters

The presence of variable parameters is essential. They should be enclosed in double curly braces, such as {{1}}, and should be consistently formatted.

2. Improper Variable Placement

Templates should not commence or conclude with a variable (e.g., {{1}} thanks!), as this can disrupt the message structure.

3. Non-Sequential Variables

Ensure that variable parameters are sequenced logically. For example, if you define {{1}}, {{2}}, {{4}}, and {{5}}, {{3}} should also be accounted for.

4. Adjacent Variable Parameters

Avoid placing variable parameters directly next to each other (e.g., {{1}} {{2}}), as this can lead to confusion.

5. Special Characters in Variables

Variable parameters should not contain special characters like #, $, or %.

6. Unclear Template Purpose
Templates must have a clear purpose, and variable parameters should be defined with a specific role. Unclear templates may be rejected, and providing a sample template can facilitate the submission process.

7. Spelling and Grammar Errors

Messages with misspellings or grammatical errors can be perceived as spam, so ensure your templates are free from such errors.

8. Language Mismatch

The selected language in the template should align with the content. Mixing languages or selecting the wrong language can result in rejection.

9. Incorrect Format for API Testing

When testing your API connection, use the correct format, which includes a template name (e.g., “test”) and content (e.g., “Hello {{1}}”).

10. Shortened URLs

Avoid using shortened URLs, as they obscure the destination of the link.

11. Inappropriate URL Domain

Ensure that the URL domain in your links corresponds to your business, as unrelated domains may lead to rejection.

12. Excessive New Line Characters

Limit the use of new line characters (\n) to two consecutive instances within the template body.

13. Text Headers with Special Characters

Text headers should not contain emojis, asterisks, formatting markup, or the \n newline characters.

14. Missing Media Sample

If your template includes media headers (video, image, document), remember to provide a sample during submission.

15. Direct WhatsApp Links

The call to action button URL should not directly link to WhatsApp (e.g., https://wa.me/14154443344).

16. Abusive or Threatening Content

Content containing threats, whether of legal action or public shaming, is not allowed.

17. Duplicate Content

Templates with identical content to existing templates will be rejected. You can edit and resubmit them after receiving a rejection notification.

18. Commerce Policy Violation

Templates with content violating WhatsApp’s Commerce Policy, particularly in sales-related transactions, will be rejected.

19. Business Policy Violation

Templates requesting sensitive identifiers or documents from users that may contain sensitive information will be rejected. Compliance with WhatsApp’s Business Policy is essential.

Ensuring your message templates adhere to these guidelines will improve the likelihood of approval and enable you to leverage WhatsApp’s messaging capabilities effectively.

For more information, please feel free to reach out to us at support@verloop.io

Updated on May 15, 2024
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