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WhatsApp Billing Feature User Guide

Welcome to the WhatsApp Billing Feature User Guide. This guide will help you understand how to navigate and use the WhatsApp billing feature for Verloop.io. This feature allows you to manage your credit balance for sending WhatsApp messages and templates through the Outreach service.


This guide provides a straightforward overview of how to add and manage credit balance for WhatsApp campaigns on Verloop.io dashboard.

Verloop.io Platform

Once we activate the billing feature, you can access the “Balance” section within the Outreach tab. Here’s what you need to know:

You will be provided with a Verloop Finance dashboard link, where you will have to add your registered admin ID. Once you have done that, you will receive an email in your inbox and a message will pop up on the screen “Check your mail for the sign in link.”

verloop finance dashboard

Go to your inbox, click on the Log in link provided.

email notofication whatsapp verloop billing

And voila your billing dashboard is activated here you can view your balance, blocked balance, allowed credit and processing fees. And even see a breakdown of your usage.

summary whatsapp billing

You can even apply filters as seen in the above screenshot for the timeline you want to view the usage analytics.

credit usage whatsapp

Available Balance 

This shows the funds available for future outreach campaigns. Your balance remains untouched until META confirms the charge. If your balance falls below a certain threshold (e.g., Rs. 1000), you won’t be able to create new campaigns.

Balance Blocked for Outreach

This indicates the balance reserved for ongoing outreach campaigns. If billing for a template isn’t confirmed within 6 hours by META, the blocked credit is released.

Adding More Balance

You can add funds to your client ID using the “Verloop.io Billing” link. Once the CSMs have enabled the billing for you. You can simply add the balance directly from the platform.

Go to the outreach dashboard on the Verloop.io platform. Then click on “Add balance” as shown in the below screenshot.

Outreach whatsapp dashboard

You will be directed to summary dashboard as shown below:

summary billing dashboard whatsapp

Then go to Transaction, as shown below.

You can add the credit amount and see the overall breakdown of the amount you will need to pay after including SGST and CGST.

Then simply click on the “Add” button.

payment disection verloop whatsapp

You will be redirected to the payment screen, where you add your number to pay via UPI.

payment gateway verloop

After you have added your number, click on proceed and then pay through your payment gateway platform.


You can download usage reports and activity reports for a specific customer by selecting date ranges. 

report whatsapp billing verloop

Usage Report includes Date (Kolkata Time), Business phone number, User country, Conversation category, Conversation type, Number of conversations, and Actual charges. The Activity Report entails Date, Description, Invoice number, Deposit, Spend, and Balance.

This guide should help you effectively navigate the WhatsApp billing feature on Verloop.io, ensuring a smooth experience in managing your billing wallet and sending WhatsApp messages/templates through the Outreach service.

Updated on December 22, 2023

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