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How to Export Data from Verloop.io Recipes

Verloop.io is the best conversational platform out there that can do lead generation and qualification for you 24×7. Once you have captured the lead, you might want to use that data in your existing CRMs for further analysis and action.

There are three ways to export your data about your customers from Verloop.io recipes to other CRMs. Only one of these three options can be enabled at any point in time.

Export Via Email

This is the most simple method of all the export options. If you get less than 20-30 users per day on your Verloop.io bot, this method would be the right choice for you.

At the end of the conversation with the customer, Verloop.io sends an email to your email ID. This email will have all the details given by the customer in that conversation like Name, Email, and Phone Number. This will also have a link to the conversation so that you can take a look at what exactly happened.

You can set the email on which you want to receive the mail. In the Export Data section of your recipe, select Email and enter your email and hit enter.

  1. Go to Bot Recipe 
  2. Select the Recipe to be exported
  3. Select ‘Email’ (right side panel) 
  1. Check ‘Export Data via Email’
  1. Enter your email and hit enter 
  2. Save

And here is a sample email you get on your email id.

Export Data - Sample Email

Export Data – Sample Email

Export Via Webhook

This option will send a POST request to a URL of your choice. You will need to do some programming at your end to extract data from this POST request and save it.

You can set the URL to be used for receiving webhook. In the Export Data section of your recipe, select Webhook and configure the webhook URL. We strongly suggest using the HTTPS scheme and adding a basic auth token to make the webhook secure.

  1. Go to Bot Recipe 
  2. Select the Recipe to be exported
  3. Select ‘Webhook’ (right side panel) 
  1. Check ‘Export Data via Webhook’
  1. Enter Webhook URL
  2. Enter Basic Authentication Token 
  3. Save

And here is a sample of the data provided by the webhook. The webhook will have details of all the variables of that recipe.


    “name”: “John Jacobs”, 

    “email”: “john.jacobs.7583675@gmail.com”, 

    “query”: “I want to know if I can cancel subscription if I don’t like your product”, 

    “pincode”: “560075”,

    “verloop_timestamp”: “05:32:39AM, 24 Apr 2018”, 

    “verloop_chat_link”: “https://ultimatecompany.verloop.io/live/4”


Export Via Zapier

Verloop.io also supports exporting data directly to your CRMs via Zapier. 

Zapier is a service which helps you in interconnecting apps. You can connect Verloop.io with other apps like Hubspot, Google Sheets, Gmail, Active Campaign, Pipedrive etc…

Here we show you how to connect Verloop.io with Google Sheets. This article explains the steps involved in the process with screenshots of the relevant screens.

Inside your Zapier dashboard, click on Make a zap! to start creating a new workflow.

Choose Verloop.io Trigger

Search and select Verloop.io to use as the trigger. If you are not able to find Verloop.io, use this link to get an invite.

Add Verloop Trigger

Connect Verloop.io Account

Now connect your Verloop.io account to this trigger. You can get the API key for Zapier integration from the recipe section of your Verloop.io account.

Connect Verloop Account

Choose Recipe

After adding the account, you have to select a recipe to connect to. Here we have selected the default Lead Generation recipe. We can verify that the connection is successful by fetching a sample lead.

Select Verloop Recipe

Select Verloop Recipe

Recipe Connection Successful

Recipe Connection Successful

Choose an Action

Now that the trigger selection is complete, we have to select an action for the workflow. In this step, we shall choose Google Sheets as the action. This means that all our lead generation data goes into a Google spreadsheet.

Choose Action

Choose Action

Whenever a lead is generated, it creates a row in a spreadsheet.

Select Google Sheet Options

Select Google Sheet Options

Connect your Google account

Connect your Google account

Connect your Google account

Choose a spreadsheet

After you connect your Google account, you can choose which file to connect to. You can also choose the sheet. Remember that the first row of the sheet should be the header and it should contain the names of the columns.

Connect to a Specific Sheet

Connect to a Specific Sheet

Map Column Names

In the next step, you have mapped the fields given by Verloop to the column names of the spreadsheet.

Map Column Names

Map Column Names

Now you can send a sample row to sheets and verify that it’s working.

Send a sample row to the spreadsheet

Send a sample row to the spreadsheet

Verify sample row

Verify sample row

As the last step in the Zapier dashboard, you have to Turn On this workflow. You can choose to turn off this integration anytime using the Zapier dashboard.

Verify Zapier Integration

If you have completed the Zapier integration successfully, the Zapier button in your Verloop dashboard should turn blue.

Verify Zapier button is Blue
Updated on December 14, 2022

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