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Buttons Block

Use Buttons to get quick replies from your visitor. You can save the response of the visitor to a variable. The bot waits till the user has clicked a button.

Recipe – Buttons Block

Button Block Elements

  1. Set Goal Button: Use it to set the goal of the block
  2. Button Icon: Represents button block
  3. Block Name: By default, the name is set as a button, which you can change as your choice.
  4. Information icon: On hovering will showcase the information of the block.
  5. 3-dot menu: You can use it to start the bot flow, delete the block or duplicate the block.
  6. Settings button: Gives you the option to configure the general, advanced and faq settings of the button.
  7. Enter your text here, placeholder: You can enter your question here.
  8. +Add Button: Allows you to set up options for customers with variable settings. Has 20 character limit, you can increase this by reaching out to our support team. You can add multiple buttons as per your choice by following the same steps.

Configuring the Button

You can use the button as an option to give your customers or give an option of clicking on a URL as shown below.

For every button, you can also set the variable or add a new variable.

Learn more about setting variables for every recipe here.


General Settings

In general settings, you can make the following changes.

Hide message box from Livchat widget: On switching the toggle on for this, it will restrict the users from typing in any message.

Allow users to talk to an agent: On switching the toggle on, the +Add transfer block button will become available. You can use this for connecting the slider block to an already existing transfer block or creating a new transfer block automatically. 

Advanced Settings

If the user does not select the given options but sends a different message instead, you can enter the invalid message that you want to be displayed in advanced settings.

In advanced settings, if you have enabled Webhook for the card, another option will be shown to add a dynamic API response to generate cards, as shown below:

On clicking the API response to generate cards checkbox, a dropdown option will appear to select the before added api response in Webhook for which you want to generate the API response as shown below. Learn more about generating dynamic responses via webhook here.

FAQ Settings

FAQ settings allow you to either enable the default FAQ by clicking on the toggle and the Use default recipe FAQ checkbox.

You can also custom-select question categories by clicking on the search categories drop down.

For some categories like a chatbot category, you need to link the block to the matching response as shown below, which will automatically pop the dynamic block and connect it to the side node of the button block, as shown below. Also the corresponding side node of the dynamic block will connected to the selected block in settings.

Updated on April 4, 2023
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